
How to become a member?

    Be a Member in 3 EASY STEPS

    STEP 1 - Bring the following requirements

    • 1 valid Goverment ID
    • 3pcs 1x1 picture
    • Fill out the application form

STEP 2 - Bring the necessary fee

Inintial Investment to be a Member Owner

Particular Amount Benefits
P./Share Capital ₱ 500.00 Dividend approx.
Savings ₱ 500.00 1.50% per annum TAX FREE
Membership Fee ₱ 600.00 We provide Passbook, Certificate, T-Shirt & ID
Ka May-Ari Life Plan - Insurance ₱ 710.00 Php 100,000 Life Insurance Benefit-Principal Member
Php 30,000 Life Insurance Benefit-Dependent
Total ₱ 2,310.00

Minimum Investment to avail SERVICES

Particular Amount Benefits
Shared Capital ₱ 1,700.00 Dividend + Patronage Refund
Savings ₱ 500.00 1.50% p.a TAX FREE must atleast have ₱ 1,000 to earn interest
Membership Fee ₱ 600.00 We provide Passbook, Certificate, T-Shirt & I.D
Ka May-Ari Life Plan ₱ 710.00
Total ₱ 3,510.00

Children and Youth Laboratory Cooperative (Partners/Affiliates)

Particular Amount
Shared Capital Lab ₱ 150.00
Savings Lab ₱ 100.00
Lab Coop (GYRT) ₱ 90.00
Membership Fee ₱ 50.00
Total ₱ 390.00

STEP 3 - Attend the SMES and COS Seminars

Particular Schedule
SMES Face-to-face Every Sunday 9am - 12nn,
Via Zoom Every Wednesday 9am - 12nn
COS Face-to-face Every Sunday 1pm - 3pm,
Via Zoom Every Wednesday 1pm - 3pm
Do you want to apply for loan and this is the first time you are applying for loan? attend the COS Seminar to get a certificate to apply loan. Apply Right Now!